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Start Your New Year Skincare Regime Off with a Bang!

For many of us, the new year is the perfect time to review old habits and introduce some new ones, but how do we ensure that we make those habits stick throughout the year?

New Year Skincare Regime

They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit, but according to research from University College, London, it can take up to 66 days for that new habit to stick and become fully formed. So, finding ways to make good habits stick is key to making long term changes.

January is the perfect time to embark on a focused beauty and lifestyle regime. The excesses of the party season are behind us, and the cold weather, and perhaps being stuck indoors has played havoc with our skin, so it’s time to create some positive lifestyle changes.

Our skin is our body’s biggest organ and is particularly susceptible to external aggressors such as pollution, weather changes and inconsistent skincare regimes, which can damage the skin and leave it feeling irritated and crying out for some extra care.

But we need to consider what’s happening on the inside too, as this can also have a major effect on our skin. Cutting back on things like refined sugar can really help to improve skin condition, as well as eating healthier fats such as those found in oily fish, olive oil, nuts, and seeds, which can all have a positive impact on skin health.

There’s also the incredibly simple, but often overlooked habit for healthy skin and that’s to drink more water. Staying hydrated is integral to improving overall health, and topping up on water throughout the day can positively impact almost every bodily function including aiding digestion, maintaining body temperature, and boosting skin elasticity.

BIOEFFECT 30 Day Treatment Plan.

When it comes to looking after our skin, one sure fire way to super charge skincare habits and start the year as we mean to is to invest in a skin treatment. The BIOEFFECT 30 Day Treatment plan does exactly what it says on the box, it transforms skin in 30 days, and is a brilliant way to start any new year skincare plan. This super potent age-defying treatment features 3 different Barley Growth Factors to tackle the most visible signs of ageing; wrinkles, enlarged pores, dryness, roughness, skin laxity and uneven skin tone. The treatment comes in 3 small bottles, each one contains a 10-day supply, and when used twice daily, offers proven visible results: with a whopping 86% increase in skin hydration, 34% reduction in the appearance of lines and wrinkles and a 20% improvement in skin elasticity and firmness. And, just in case you need a further incentive, the BIOEFFECT 30 Day Treatment is now available with a 15% discount, so there’s absolutely no excuse to give your skin the new year treat it deserves, plus you’ll be a full 30 days into your 66-day plan to make your new skincare habits stick. It’s a win-win situation!
